I was attending a conference on campus called "Talking Politics During Polarized Times" which I was very excited about. During the lunch session we had a panel of Georgia State Legislators- a moderate Republican, conservative Republican, and liberal Democrat. The forum was hosted by Presbyterians for Better Georgia, and the panelists discussed how their faith informed their role in legislation on topics PBG works toward. Eventually, the topic of gun violence came up.
The Republican woman began by saying, "You might not like me... I'm a member of the NRA" and then preceded to say the many sound bites that you would expect from an NRA member- "Chicago has so many gun crimes even though Illinois has strict gun laws, which is why they don't work" "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" and finally, "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." All the breath left my lungs and I could barely breath, let alone keep a straight face. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife, and she even said, "It's hard to be up here, it feels so hostile."
When it was time for questions, I began in a shaky voice to tell this story in public for the first time.
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