October Digest

October Digest

It's 500 years later and I've still got 95 problems (but indulgences ain't one)

That was a terrible Seminary joke, but I'm not even sorry. It's only the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation once and I'm not throwing away my shot. October was a blur and somehow it's already over. Here's this month's Monthly Digest.

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Backpacking Cumberland Island

Backpacking Cumberland Island

When I moved to Georgia last August, I immediately began researching hiking and backpacking spots in the state. One of the first places I read about was Cumberland Island. I was immediately interested because it famously has packs of wild horses. It seemed almost too good to be true, but I was determined to go there. The island surpassed all my wildest hopes and dream- wild horses, manatees, dolphins, armadillos, and even a big story involving a wild alligator! 

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