December Digest

December Digest

It's hard to believe 2017 is almost over. It felt like it would never end, but we did. We survived this year. December started with a bit of chaos as I tried to finish all my school work before leaving to come out for my grandpa's funeral. I left the week before the semester ended, so it was a mad dash to finish all my work. I was so grateful to be with family to celebrate my grandfather's incredible life. His funeral was just as he would have wanted it- ending at a graveside with cows in the field next door and people riding by on horseback.

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November Digest

November Digest

Every month has flown by this year but November seemed like an eternity. Atlanta is pretty magical in November- cold and cozy mornings, leaves changing colors, and warm and sunny afternoons. I'm finally learning to appreciate this southern weather. Wrapping up this month as if it was one cohesive entity is almost a joke. This month has held a lot for me- lifestyle changes, preaching for the first time at my church, holidays, a mountain of school work, and the death of a family member. I suppose it makes sense during this season that the first word that comes to mind is gratitude. Gratitude for what life looks like, gratitude for 25 years of loving my grandpa, gratitude for the weather, gratitude for the opportunities ahead. God is good, all the time.

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October Digest

October Digest

It's 500 years later and I've still got 95 problems (but indulgences ain't one)

That was a terrible Seminary joke, but I'm not even sorry. It's only the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation once and I'm not throwing away my shot. October was a blur and somehow it's already over. Here's this month's Monthly Digest.

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